NYC-based singer/songwriter and hardworking stalwart of the DIY scene Brian Dunne put out what I consider to be one of the best albums of 2023.

In my twenties, I spent basically every weekend playing acoustic guitar in New York City's diviest dive bars. I spent countless nights wandering around the West Village, freezing my ass off, half drunk, wondering what the hell is the point of it all. I think that's why I was instantly drawn to Brian Dunne's newest album Loser on the Ropes. I've been a fan of his work for a while, but this fresh set of lyrics captures that vibe perfectly — calling out all the bullshit, channeling all the weird energy, and exploring all the limitless possibilities that exist on the streets of NYC "after the afterparty, in the pre-dawn hush".
Best Time to Listen
Throw it on when you're feeling nostalgic for those rainy nights in your post-college haze, where it didn't really make sense for you to go out, but you did anyway because, hey, maybe something interesting would happen. Or play it in your headphones on a crisp sunny morning, when you're feeling particularly reflective on your way to grab a bagel. Either way, you're sure to find more than a few lines of Dunne's brilliant lyrics to relate to.
Essential Tracks
Loser On The Ropes
The Kids Are All Grown
Sometime After This