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Oh Wow: Psychedelic Frogfish

Writer: Owen WislonOwen Wislon

Guest columnist Owen Wislon joins the Ill & Odd crew to share new insights on unknown and wondrous creatures, strange locations, myths, legends and all manners of things that make you say, "Oh wow!"

owen wilson oh wow

Hi my name is Owen Wislon, and you’re probably saying, that guy? Is doing this? Well fuck you yes I am doing this. I want to try new things. I’m more than just the short guy from Wedding Crashers. You try standing next to that freak for a whole movie and tell me you’re not short.

Anyway I actually agreed to take part in this recurring piece or whatever because my mic was live at a charity event for handicap cats when I told Ben Stiller that when I did Cars I crushed more tailpipe than the Corvair Ranch. That’s a gigantic junkyard in Pennsylvania for those of you who don’t know shit about cars. I closed, man, I really closed.

Anyway again, after that I agreed to do some charity work to get my publicist off my ass and here we are I guess.

Today I’m writing about this thing, which I can’t believe is real, the Psychedelic Frogfish. I mean look at this thing.

look at this fucking frogfish

This thing is so awesome, I can’t even stare at its pictures for too long without feeling like I’m staring at a Stereogram.

Apparently, this thing is found in the waters of Indonesia and doesn’t actually do anything besides looking totally rad. It doesn’t have any defense against predators. It actually does walk on its dorsal fins or whatever, and oh wow, that is neat.

can you fucking believe this frogfish?

It looks like it is so high, and totally forgot how the fuck it got there in the first place.

are you fucking serious right now with this frogfish?

I love it.

Learning about stuff like this makes the fallout of my chrome bone joke to Stiller worth it. Because I get to be the one to not only expose you to this little guy, but many other wondrous and truly messed up stuff soon to come. We are going to get weird.

You’re welcome.

owen wilson's definitely not fake signature

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