His voice rings out. A cackle imitating a child's laugh. His ill intent hiding behind his dead eyes.

"And so it will come to pass that Lucifer, also known as the Son of Perdition, Little Horn, Most Unclean, will call upon his own prophet to bring low the world of men. He will unleash a darkness that would last for a thousand-thousand years before the souls of the damned could ever dream to pass to The Lords Heaven. The prophet will come with laughter, smiles, and good cheer to sway the young and meek alike. Only those devout of spirit will see the rotted flesh behind his pale mask and mark the maggots and bile that pour forth from his twisted mandibles." Fatuus 13:8 from The Book of Korben.
I am a simple man. I like cold Miller Lite. I like spending time with my friends and family. All things in moderation of course. The order doesn't matter here it's not a ranking system so please get off my back.
What I could never have imagined myself playing a part in was something larger than myself. I'm not talking about politics.
I'm talking about the struggle of Good versus Evil.
Frankly, I have been moving away from religion for sometime. I suppose that puts me in the disdained agnostic category. Hated by religious folks and atheists alike! I'm an equal opportunity hatee.
This perhaps intriguingly coincided with becoming a father. I've heard enough about the Church to distrust in its people and practices. I realize I am, in general, probably over protective of my kids but that's a flaw I'll live with until they're old enough to throw it in my face during their teenage years. I lived with myself long enough to know it's coming (my siblings were way worse).
With that in mind what I certainly didn't expect was to be witness to such a stark totem of dread that would shake me to my core. The irony here being that I only bear witness here and now due to my children. I speak carefully, and with terror, of the man known as Blippi.
A seemingly reputed child entertainer on YouTube, I can see past the veil. I reference the scripture above (Fatuus 13:8 from The Book of Korben) in my belief that this, being, has been sent here under the most false pretenses and with black hearted purpose.
I have been made to watch countless Blippi videos with my son and, until now, have found myself in a deep malaise. I felt as if I was both awake and yet dreaming. Recently a particularly sharp cackle that is Blippi's trademark awakened me to the danger. Every cell of my body stood on edge as I fought through the darkness and his true form was revealed to me.
(unimaginable terror can break the spirit and lead the damned to fits of laughter)
I have found others that have seen through the lies as well. One of my only remaining comforts in this life is that I am not alone.
I will fight to keep his evil influence away from my family. It is a daily struggle and I will do all I can to protect my children.
I bring this to you now to open your eyes. Many will hate me for opening them. Much like Cypher in the Matrix who has his eyes unwillingly forced open by Morpheus. I understand that resentment.
I have no choice. We must band together to resist The Beast, and to cry out for salvation. Regardless of your thoughts on religion, Evil is real. And I have seen its face.