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Damn I Wish I Had Money. I have Boxed Wine.

Writer: Kirk McCreadyKirk McCready
Sometimes when I've got a nice relaxing buzz from a sweet, awful Franzia, I look at nice things I can't attain. Like the fish in Finding Dory who can see the sea from their small, trapped existence in the aquarium.

Dune & AD

Upon occasion my YouTube algorithm can sense when I've had a day. I won't claim to understand it. What I do know is that when I've had a few glasses to take the edge off a particularly hellacious day it goes ahead and throws up a video from Architectural Digest.

You'd be right to say, "But Kirk, only rich people are allowed to look at that you God damned poor". You wouldn't be wrong, but I'm going to push through the haters on this one.

I'm pretty sure my enjoyment of looking at nice buildings is a remnant from the psychological scarring I received in my youth when HGTV was on at all hours of the day. I've learned to deal with that emotional damage in as healthy a way as I could. As the final step in my recovery (there are 17 steps behind a $99.99 paywall) I'm coming out to the world. I LIKE ARCHITECTURE.

Just having said it is a relief. Perhaps you'll get some relief from your own day to day as you take a look at this mansion that looks like it's out of a Sci-Fi movie that came out in the 60's. I myself first thought of Dune. All I know is that if I ever won the lottery with my friends and subsequently bilked them out of their share, this is one of the first things I would buy. Perfect for a villain or a man who doesn't need his old friends.

Watching this late at night stimulates ASMR for me. The combo of the tour guides voice and fresh suit with the starkness of the desert around this striking home is undeniable. Not all of the AD videos smack in this way. I wasn't going to expose myself to the world for just anything. Have a glass or an edible before bed one night and I'd bet this one will leave an impression on you as well.

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