Matt Talmage
Jun 26, 20244 min read
The Case Against: Waterparks
Don't forget to bring a towel, sunblock, and a Tetanus shot.

Matt Talmage
Apr 17, 20243 min read
The Case Against: Aquafina
A beverage so revolting that if you came across it while lost in the desert, you’d rather take your chances raw-dogging a cactus.

Matt Talmage
Nov 17, 20233 min read
The Case Against: Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry sauce is an affront to god, an insult to taste buds everywhere, and a blight upon the landscape of a great American tradition.

Matt Talmage
Oct 2, 20235 min read
The Case Against: CVS
Welcome to hell! If you need a prescription filled or a new bottle of contact solution, you better clear your calendar.

Matt Talmage
Aug 27, 20234 min read
The Case Against: Burgers
Unpopular opinion: burgers cooked at home on the grill suck. I'm sad to see summer go, but I won't miss these culinary disappointments.